EyeTracking, Inc. named exclusive distributor of new FOVIO eye tracker

EyeTracking Press Release cover image

Seeing Machines (AIM: SEE), a world leader in computer vision related technologies that help machines understand people by tracking and interpreting human faces and eyes, is pleased to announce the signing of EyeTracking Inc. as distributor of Seeing Machines’ latest eye-tracking platform, FOVIO. EyeTracking Inc. will have exclusive distribution rights, bundling their industry-leading suite of software and analytic tools with Seeing Machines’ world-class gaze-tracking technology platform, to the eyetracking research market.

Since 2009, EyeTracking Inc. has been a key distributor of Seeing Machines’ previous eye-tracking platform, FaceLAB. Seeing Machines’ new FOVIO product reinvents eye-tracking capability to deliver higher performance, better accuracy and simpler set up.

EyeTracking Inc., founded in 1999, continues to pioneer the eye-tracking industry with recent patents for novel techniques in analysing ‘dynamic areas of interest’ and it’s software suite, EyeWorks™, eye tracking software to enable simultaneous recording and live view across multiple displays in high-definition.

James Weatherhead, President of EyeTracking Inc. said: “We’re delighted to partner with Seeing Machines to continue serving our customers with the latest generation technology platform. It’s truly exciting to think about the potential future breakthroughs made possible with the robust eye-tracking performance that FOVIO offers.”

Ken Kroeger, CEO of Seeing Machines said: “Given the great relationship that we’ve developed with ETI, and their pioneering work in developing a robust suite of analytic tools, we’re confident that this is the right team to work with to empower the eye-tracking research community. Our entire focus is on our mission to save lives by leveraging operator monitoring technologies. Our approach is to develop strong relationships with the best companies in any market we target. EyeTracking Inc. is the right partner to build sales of our FOVIO product for the specialist research market, allowing us to focus our sales efforts on the large global markets for automotive, mining, transport and aviation applications.”

About Seeing Machines
Seeing Machines, (AIM: SEE), is an AIM-listed technology company that specialises in operator monitoring and intervention technologies and services. Its software and engineering services are used in products and applications that range from devices that improve driver safety and save lives to assessing trainees in simulators and simplifying the relationships between people and technology. Seeing Machines technology is used worldwide across the automotive, mining, transport and aviation industries; as well as many of the leading academic research groups and transportation authorities. Seeing Machines is headquartered in Australia, and has offices in Tucson, Arizona and Mountain View, California. The Company counts Caterpillar and EyeTracking Inc. as its partners and BHP Billiton, Freeport McMoran, Teck and Toll Holdings amongst its customers.

About EyeTracking, Inc.
EyeTracking Inc., founded by Dr. Sandra Marshall and several colleagues from the Cognitive Ergonomics Research Facility at San Diego State University, emerged from two decades of federally funded research in cognition and assessment. Revolutionary methods were developed to accommodate the needs of the US Department of Defense. In February of 1999 EyeTracking Inc. was established to offer the same technology and expertise to the commercial sector. EyeTracking Inc. is a leading provider of eye tracking services, software and expertise. It offers full-service marketing research and usability testing, and bespoke development of eye-tracking solutions. EyeTracking Inc. counts Boeing – Phantom works, DARPA, Lockheed Martin, NASA, MSN, and FAA amongst its customers.

iPhone 6 Eye Tracking and the FOVIO Eye Tracker

iPhone 6

Scene Camera Data Collection – Mobile / Tablet Example

Testing on a monitor, testing with a projector, testing on a laptop, a Command and Control Station, a TV… the list goes on. Where ever a person meets machine, there is a way that eye tracking can be employed. As new interfaces and devices are released, eye tracking must evolve to ensure that it can be used easily with those devices.

The latest such device was released yesterday, and that’s when mine turned up in the mail – I am of course referring to the much anticipated iPhone 6. Here at EyeTracking, we have many customers that use our EyeWorks software to test mobile apps on a variety of devices. We ourselves, run usability services (using EyeWorks or course), for a range of companies testing mobile apps. As we had an iPhone 6 in hand, we thought we should perform a quick test to ensure that all is working well between EyeWorks and the latest top end phone on the market.  

For those that have not used the EyeWorks Scene Camera Module yet, it is the most easy to use and powerful scene camera solution on the market. We will get more into this in a future blog. Just to make things more interesting, we decided to use the newest eye tracker on the market –the much talked about FOVIO system from Seeing Machines. The first production system of FOVIO only started shipping to the research community this week too, so it seemed only too fitting to use it for this test.

Setup took around about 3 minutes, and we recorded simultaneous and synchronized high-definition videos of the iPhone 6 screen and Picture-in-Picture view of the subject’s hands. There is no geometry configuration needed, just click start, calibrate four points and everything else is running.

Click the embedded clip below to view the raw unedited video from our test. We’ll be sure to post more in the near future, so be sure to check back often and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Contact our sales team if you are interested in learning more about EyeWorks or any of our other products and services.

Featured image from Unsplash.