Continental Airlines is “Bowled Over by EyeTracking’s High-Tech Capabilities”

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EyeTracking, Inc recently performed a website usability evaluation for Continental airlines. The study consisted of a detailed assessment of the homepage and customer email communications. We were able to uncover some very interesting trends based on the eye movements, click behavior and subjective feedback of airline customers. Our friends at Continental were so impressed with their experience with EyeTracking that they decided to highlight the study in ‘Continental Quarterly.’

EyeTracking, Inc. powers landmark in-game advertising effectiveness study

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Sponsored by Double Fusion, EyeTracking partnered with Interpret to provide a landmark in-game advertising effectiveness study for the leading independent in-game ad provider. Using EyeTracking’s patent pending video analysis techniques, EyeTracking is the only company able to deliver accurate statistics on where and how people are looking at dynamic media. Applications include in-game advertising effectiveness, TV commercial evaluation, and sporting event sponsorship measurement. Information delivered goes far beyond the current ROI measures employed in industry, showing not just that an ad appeared on screen (‘air-time’) but actually answering the real question of – “how many people actually saw my ad?”

Read the press:

Red Herring How Effective Are In-Game Ads?

Gamasutra Double Fusion Releases New Study Into In-Game Ad Effectiveness

TMCnet Double Fusion Releases Landmark Research on Videogame Advertising Effectiveness

Next Generation Study: In-Game Ads Actually Work

Advertising Age Buying In-Game Ads? Be Sure They’re at Eye Level

Machinist – The coming age of interactive video game ads

ShackNews Eidos Signs Ten-Game Ad Deal, Double Fusion Promotes Effectiveness

Double Fusion press release

EyeTracking, Inc. Finalist for “Most Innovative New Product” Award

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San Diego Technology and Life Science Companies Continue to Demonstrate Excellence in Creative Applications and Product Development

SAN DIEGO (October 7, 2005) – CONNECT today announced the finalists for the 18th annual Most Innovative New Product (MIP) Awards, reinforcing the region’s reputation as a leader in innovative technologies and creative product development.

Products highlighted by this year’s cadre of nominees ranged from innovations in video surveillance technology to medical advances in the treatment of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. The 24 finalists were selected from more than 80 entries representing a diverse range of companies.

The finalists were honored October 6 at a reception held at La Valencia Hotel in La Jolla. Winners will be announced at the MIP Awards Luncheon to be held Friday, December 9th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Hilton Torrey Pines Hotel.

“After 18 years, the MIP competition continues to highlight the strength and importance of emerging technologies and their impact on the San Diego region,” said Duane Roth, chief executive officer of CONNECT. “San Diego-based companies are at the forefront of innovation, fueling San Diego’s economy and establishing the region as a national leader in technology and life sciences.”

Since 1988, the CONNECT MIP Awards program has served as a benchmark for predicting the region’s most successful emerging technologies. From early stage biotechnology companies to the first products generated by the region’s telecommunications boom, the awards program has been an indicator of the industries and technologies that have stimulated the San Diego economy.

The 2005 MIP Award finalists are:

Biotechnology R&D
Arena Pharmaceuticals for APD356 — Currently in Phase 2b clinical trial, APD356 is a novel and selective 5-HT2C receptor agonist to treat obesity. Currently there are only two drugs approved by the FDA for long-term use to treat obesity – both are limited by side effects. It is believed APD356 will allow clinically meaningful weight loss without serious side effects for the more than two-thirds of Americans estimated to be overweight.

NovaCardia, Inc. for KW-3902 — KW-3902 is a proprietary compound in Phase 2 development for the treatment of congestive heart failure (CHF) patients undergoing diuresis. Current CHF therapies have numerous limitations and side effects, particularly in patients with renal dysfunction. KW-3902 is designed to enhance diuresis while at the same time preserving renal function. If approved, it will represent a major breakthrough in the treatment of CHF patients.

Vital Therapies, Inc. for ELAD — Extracorporeal Liver Assist Device (ELAD®) is the first human liver cell-based device that augments the metabolic functions of a patient’s liver. Unlike competitive artificial filtration systems which simply remove toxins, the EALD system both metabolizes toxins and provides synthetic function, producing many of the proteins that are key products of liver function.

Communications Technology
AIRSIS, Inc. for Translator Monitor 2000 — Translator Monitor 2000 allows broadcast engineers to monitor and control remote broadcast translators and transmitters 7 x 24 via satellite and the Internet. From a desktop, at home or on the road, networks can monitor alerts of impending failures or user-defined thresholds.

CommASIC for Wireless Broadband Signal Processor — Wireless Broadband Signal Processor (WBSP™) is a revolutionary new technology specifically developed for multi-mode broadband applications. This innovative architecture surpasses conventional digital signal processors (DSP) and application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) methods in power efficiency, cost (i.e. die size), and performance characteristics.

Kiyon, Inc. for Kiyon Autonomic Networking (KAN) Software — Autonomic Networking (KAN) Software provides a multi-fold bandwidth increase in radio networks and eliminates dead spots, collisions, multi-path fading, and other issues that plague all current wireless offerings.

General Technology
DigiVision, Inc. for RazorVision Video Enhancement Cable — The RazorVision Video Enhancement Cable will cost-effectively allow millions of people to dramatically improve their television viewing pleasure. The cable easily connects between the video source (DVD, cable box) and the display. The image enhancement cable significantly improves clarity, sharpness, and contrast on any NTSC/PAL or HDTV signal and works equally well on CRT, Plasma, LCD, or projection televisions.

EyeTracking, Inc. for Cognitive State Assessment — Cognitive State Assessment (CSA) technology combines measurements of a person’s eye movements with advanced pupil-based metrics to determine an individual’s cognitive state at any given moment in time. Output of cognitive state estimation (i.e. drowsy, overloaded, concentrating, etc.) is generated and can be provided to systems to allow real-time operator state monitoring or to facilitate development of new technologies that adapt to user needs.

GenVault Corporation for GenCode — GenCode is a highly unique, flexible DNA-based sample tracking method developed as a key component of GenVault’s room-temperature archival system for biological samples. As a mixture of five synthetic DNA sets that differ in length and are embedded directly within the sample storage media, GenCode virtually eliminates sample mix-ups caused by the mislabeling or mishandling of samples.

Akonix Systems, Inc. for Akonix L7 CM5000 Appliance — The Akonix L7 CM5000 Appliance delivers an all-in-one solution for Instant Messaging (IM) management, compliance, and security. The Appliance runs on a hardened operating system and comes pre-loaded with award-winning Akonix L7 Enterprise and Akonix L7 Enforcer software, and is pre-configured for instant deployment.

AwarePoint Corporation for AwarePoint Indoor Positioning System — An active RFID system that tracks equipment and people inside buildings, the AwarePoint Indoor Positioning System consists of wireless receivers, small battery-powered tags, and software. The receivers form a wireless mesh network that bridge at one point to the corporate wired network.

Overland Storage for Overland Storage® REO 9000™ with Protection OS™ — The REO 9000 is a high-capacity disk-based backup and recovery appliance that achieves disk-speed data recovery, shortens backup windows, and dramatically improves the reliability of backup operations.

Life Sciences – Medical Devices & Diagnostics
Biosite Inc. for Triage® Stroke Panel — A rapid blood test intended to aid in the assessment and diagnosis of stroke, the Triage Stroke Panel is the first commercialized test to incorporate the Biosite’s proprietary MultiMarker Index (MMX) feature that analyzes information from multiple biomarkers and presents a single composite index result.

GeneOhm Sciences, Inc. for IDI-MRSA — IDI-MRSA is the only rapid diagnostic product cleared by FDA to detect MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus — the antibiotic-resistant flesh-eating bacteria). IDI-MRSA generates a result in less than two hours, compared to competitive products that require 24-48 hours.

Yulex Corporation for Yulex™ — Yulex latex is naturally free of the dangerous proteins that cause tropical latex allergy, a major health and safety issue for health-care workers and patients. Yulex is for use in medical and specialty consumer products such as gloves, catheters, and condoms.

Life Sciences – Therapeutics
Amylin Pharmaceuticals for BYETTA — BYETTA (pronounced bye-A-tuh) was approved this year by FDA for the treatment of type 2 diabetics who are unsuccessful at managing their disease with common oral medications. BYETTA is the first in a new class of medicines known as incretin mimetics.

Amylin Pharmaceuticals for SYMLIN — SYMLIN® (pramlintide acetate) injection, approved by the FDA in March 2005, is the first non-insulin therapy to be approved for type 1 diabetes in 80 years. SYMLIN, a self-administered injection for diabetics taking insulin treatment, is taken prior to meals to help achieve lower blood glucose, leading to less fluctuation during the day and to better long-term glucose control compared with patients taking insulin alone.

Security Technology
Avaak, Inc. for AV-18, AV-20 — Featuring the smallest integrated wireless camera available in the market, the AV-18 is a self-contained, autonomous, wireless video sensor platform, comprised of a digital video imager camera, radio, controller, antenna, and battery.

Pacific Microwave Research, Inc. for Tactical Video Transmitter Model DT-200 — A compact digital microwave transmitter that provides high-quality short-range encrypted video, audio, and data communications to first responders and other front-line public safety personnel involved in situation assessment, search and rescue, incident response and crisis management activities.

Pixon LLC for PixonVision PV-200 — The PixonVision PV-200 is a real-time video processor jointly developed by Pixon LLC and DigiVision, Inc. The Quick Pixon processor boosts video resolution by up to 2 times and decreases noise by up to 6 times, while DigiVision’s contrast enhancement processor increases local contrast by up to 8 times.

Sago Systems, Inc. for Sago™ ST-150 — A passive millimeter-wave camera used for security applications, the system is a stand-off detector that can be deployed at mobile checkpoints and building entrances, as a perimeter security device or covert contraband detection system. It can detect explosives, guns, and other weapons through clothing.

Cerebra for Cerebra Server – Cerebra’s innovation delivers the Enterprise Semantic Web by integrating businesses at the semantic, not data, level; dramatically reducing cost, and making enterprises far more adaptive to change.

Fair Isaac Corporation for Network Assurance Analytics — The Fair Isaac Network Assurance Analytics (NAA) software solution proactively monitors, detects, and reacts to network threatening events such as network failure, intrusion, abuse, and network quality issues. Utilizing a combination of profiles, neural network models, and rules to predict network threatening events, NAA provides a significant tool for network analysts monitoring networks for performance problems.

Veoh Networks, Inc. for Veoh — Veoh is the first Internet television peercasting network taking advantage of broadband Internet connections to deliver TV-grade video programming directly from producers to consumers. Veoh allows anyone with a PC/Mac and a broadband internet connection to broadcast a television show, or a channel full of shows, and allows consumers to easily find video programming on the Internet.

CONNECT is a technology business accelerator, originally founded by the University of California, San Diego, dedicated to the creation and sustained growth of innovative, science-based companies whose development will contribute to the prosperity and global position of the San Diego region. Focused on assisting growth companies in the San Diego region, CONNECT has been directly involved with over 900 companies since its inception in 1985, helping them raise over $11B in capital. CONNECT’s programs also help business service providers, attorneys, accountants, bankers, investors, and marketing professionals with the knowledge about emerging technologies and access to new business opportunities. CONNECT is entirely self-supporting and receives no funding from the University or the State of California. It is supported by membership dues, course fees, and corporate underwriting for specific programs.

Sandra Marshall receives a DARPA Augmented Cognition (AUGCOG) Foundation Award

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On Wednesday, July 28, 2005 Sandra Marshall, CEO, EyeTracking, Inc., was presented with a Foundation Award by CDR (Sel) Dylan Schmorrow, Program Manager for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) AugCog Program. The Foundation Award was presented to those individuals that have made direct contributions to the establishment of a new frontier in human computer interaction: Augmented Cognition.

Augmented Cognition is an emerging field of research that seeks to extend a user’s abilities via computational technologies that are explicitly designed to address bottlenecks, limitations, and biases in cognition.

About DARPA’s AugCog program
The mission of this DARPA program is to extend, by an order of magnitude or more, the information management capacity of the human-computer war fighting integral by developing and demonstrating quantifiable enhancements to human performance in diverse, stressful, operational environments. Specifically, this program will empower one human’s ability to successfully accomplish the functions currently carried out by three or more individuals. The main goal of this program is to develop a closed loop computational system in which the computer adapts to the state of the warfighter to significantly improve performance.

About EyeTracking, Inc.
EyeTracking, Inc. is a San Diego, California company that delivers high quality eye-tracking services for commercial, government and military applications. Using patented methodologies, EyeTracking, Inc. integrates point-of-gaze metrics with new pupil-derived estimates of mental effort to determine where people look, what holds their attention, and the level of cognitive processing that occurs. From complex human computer interaction with critical systems, to market research for advertising, package design or websites, to providing expertise in building Cognitively Aware Computational Systems, EyeTracking, Inc. is committed to delivering solutions to important problems.

Sandra Marshall and James Weatherhead present at HCI International 2005 Conference

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San Diego, CA, July 28, 2005 -Sandra Marshall, CEO, EyeTracking, Inc., and James Weatherhead, President EyeTracking, Inc., each presented papers at the Augmented Cognition track of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Las Vegas.

Sandra Marshall’s presentation, entitled “Assessing Cognitive Engagement and Cognitive State from Eye Metrics”, describes a new approach for estimating cognitive state by using a set of psychophysiological metrics based on eye-tracking data. The metrics are derived from the raw data of pupil size and point-of-gaze information. Each metric requires only 1 second of data for computation, which means that the set can essentially be computed in real time. The set of metrics is described, and three examples of using the set of metrics to determine cognitive state are given. The first example contrasts focused attention with potential overload; the second example compares attention with boredom, and the third example differentiates between fatigue and moderate cognitive effort.

James Weatherhead’s presentation, entitled “From Disparate Sensors to a Unified Gauge: Bringing Them All Together”, addresses the issues dealing with the unification of multiple sensor channels into one or more gauges of cognitive state for the Augmented Cognition Program. This paper describes one method for solving the data integration problem using the Cognitive Workload Assessment Dashboard (CWAD). One of the CWAD’s most important functions is its ability to store all the sensor and simulator data in a meaningful way. A key element in making the data accessible is a common time stamp for all inputs and outputs. The CWAD contains a unique system for synchronizing the data, allowing not only selected extraction but also a fully synchronized playback of the session. This paper describes the CWAD implementation in one component of the AugCog Program.

About HCII 2005
HCII 2005 provides an international forum for the dissemination and exchange of scientific information on theoretical, generic, and applied areas of HCI (Human-Computer Interaction), usability, internationalization, virtual reality, universal access and cognitive ergonomics. The conference includes plenary presentations, parallel sessions, demonstration and poster sessions, tutorials, exhibitions and meetings of special interest groups.

About EyeTracking, Inc.
EyeTracking, Inc. is a San Diego, California company that delivers high quality eye-tracking services for commercial, government and military applications. Using patented methodologies, EyeTracking, Inc. integrates point-of-gaze metrics with new pupil-derived estimates of mental effort to determine where people look, what holds their attention, and the level of cognitive processing that occurs. From studying complex human computer interaction with critical systems, to market research for advertising and packages, or providing expertise in building Cognitively Aware Computational Systems, EyeTracking, Inc., is committed to delivering solutions to important problems.

EyeTracking, Inc., Hosts CCAT sponsored CEO Roundtable Discussion with Congresswoman Susan Davis

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On Thursday, March 24, 2005 EyeTracking, Inc., hosted the Center for Commercialization of Advanced Technolgy’s (CCAT) CEO Roundtable discussion with Congresswoman Susan Davis.  

EyeTracking, Inc., along with three other CCAT clients participated in the roundtable discussion with Congresswoman Susan Davis to enable her to  walk away with a better understanding of what companies in her district are doing to aid in homeland defense efforts.

EyeTracking Inc. analyses prompt CNET DL Redesign, results in Substantial ROI

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CONTACTS:  Sylvia Knust, (619) 594-0370,

San Diego, CA – June 7, 2004 – At a recent Web Analytics Conference in Las Vegas, CNET Networks presented the results of the CNET Digital Living launch and redesign efforts. In October, 2003, CNET launched an exciting new feature called Digital Living, allowing users to explore new digital products, recommended by unbiased experts, in virtual home settings. This format allows users to see how products work in home environments and gets users introduced to new products.

Shortly after launch, CNET commissioned EyeTracking, Inc. to conduct an evaluation of user engagement with the Digital Living feature. The evaluation included questionnaires, interviews, and eye-tracking. EyeTracking, Inc. recorded and analyzed user eye movements as they engaged with Digital Living, to see exactly where each user looked on the screen at any given time. The analyses provided critical information as to what users attended to, what they ignored, and where they got confused. Combined with subjective measures, the outcome provided CNET with valuable information about the quantity and quality of user engagement.

Overall the results indicated positive user experience with CNET Digital Living. Nonetheless, the eye-tracking analyses highlighted several important usability issues, identifying components that could benefit from redesign. CNET quickly implemented these changes with great success, launching a new and improved Digital Living.

Follow-up studies by CNET indicate a significantly positive impact of the redesign. Click-through rates within DL and time on site increased significantly. Click-through to DL sections and, most importantly, clicks to commerce sites from Digital Living increased substantially as well.

“[EyeTracking, Inc.] did a phenomenal job on this project!  We’re very happy with the overall quality of the project work as well as the report and deliverables,” commented Jessica Lillie, AVP, Research & Business Intelligence, at CNET Networks.

For more information about the eye-tracking analytics, please visit and select Consumer Research.

EyeTracking, Inc. is a San Diego, California company that delivers high quality eye-tracking services for commercial, government and military applications. Using patented methodologies, EyeTracking, Inc. integrates point-of-gaze metrics with new pupil-derived estimates of mental effort to determine where people look, what holds their attention, and the level of cognitive processing that occurs. Services include assistance in evaluating new software, comparing designs, and studying complex human computer interaction with critical systems.

ABOUT CNET Networks, Inc.
CNET Networks, Inc. is a leading global media company informing and connecting the buyers, users and sellers of personal technology, business technology, and games and entertainment. By combining an in-depth knowledge of the technology industry with the power of technology itself, the company offers the most dynamic, relevant, and innovative media-based marketplace for technology around the world. With a strong presence in the US, Asia and Europe, CNET Networks has operations in 12 countries.

EyeTracking Inc. one of three subcontractors on winning EPS Team

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CONTACT:    Sylvia Knust, (619) 594-0370,

San DiegoCA – May 20, 2004 – On April 5, 2004 EPS was awarded a Navy 5 year base (plus 2 five-year options) IDIQ contract (SeaPort-e) to support the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) with twelve core Product Area Directorates in six zones. The twelve core Product Areas are:

Force Level Warfare Systems
Ships and Ships Systems
Surface Ship Combat Systems
Littoral Warfare Systems
Strategic Weapons Systems
Undersea Warfare (USW) Command and Control Systems
Undersea Warfare (USW) Weapons and Vehicles
Undersea Warfare (USW) Ranges, Analysis, and Assessment
Undersea Warfare (USW) Fleet Material Readiness
Homeland Security and Force Protection
Surface Warfare Logistics and Maintenance

Three subcontractors (EyeTracking, Inc., Paloma Systems, and Jorge Scientific) join EPS to provide support and services in twenty-one functional areas.

EyeTracking, Inc.’s contribution to the EPS team on the Seaport effort is in the areas of Research & Development, Human Factors, and Training. EyeTracking Inc.’s technology can evaluate in real-time where an individual is looking on a display or console for critical information and how much mental effort is involved as they process the information. EyeTracking’s specialized form of evaluation monitors user cognitive workload to optimize the interface of new operational systems and to enhance enabling technologies.

The ICA is a newly developed, patented measure based on pupil dilation that provides an objective, physiological based measure of cognitive workload. The ICA provides a quantitative assessment of interface design and usability by directly measuring the mental effort of the user engaged with it. Such assessment determines whether system redesigns increase, maintain, or reduce the mental workload of the user as desired.

For more information about the case study, please visit and select Mission Critical Solutions.

EyeTracking, Inc. is a San Diego, California company that delivers high quality eye-tracking services for commercial, government and military applications. Using patented methodologies, EyeTracking, Inc. integrates point-of-gaze metrics with new pupil-derived estimates of mental effort to determine where people look, what holds their attention, and the level of cognitive processing that occurs. Services include assistance in evaluating new software, comparing designs, and studying complex human computer interaction with critical systems.

EPS, a veteran owned small business has over 20 years proven experience providing Equipment, Services and/or turnkey Solutions to the U.S. Federal Government – worldwide to both civilian and military agencies. EPS has earned a solid reputation in the assessment, design, engineering, development, implementation and management of integrated voice, data and/or video communications and security systems and infrastructure. No matter how simple or complex, EPS can provide the solution best suited for your agency’s technological quandary.

EyeTracking Inc. applies real-time mental state measure to evaluate naval operational system

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CONTACTS:  Sylvia Knust, (619) 594-0370,

San Diego, CA – Oct. 22, 2003 – EyeTracking, Inc. announced today the completion of their CCAT funded research project for Northrop Grumman Corporation.  The study investigated how users interact with two versions of a mission critical system used for monitoring incoming air, surface and subsurface traffic. The study was funded by the Center of Commercialization of Advanced Technology (CCAT) to provide EyeTracking, Inc. with essential marketing tools for their advanced user-interface evaluation technology.

EyeTracking’s technology can evaluate in real-time where an individual is looking for critical information and how much mental effort is involved as they process the information. EyeTracking’s specialized form of evaluation monitors user cognitive workload to optimize the interface of new operational systems.

Northrop Grumman developed and maintains the Global Command and Control System-Maritime (GCCS-M) for Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command. Northrop Grumman is developing an updated version, 4.x, for future release. 

Northrop Grumman provided EyeTracking, Inc. with the opportunity to evaluate two versions of the GCCS-M, the current version installed on the Fleet and the updated version being developed for future release. The objectives of the case study were to demonstrate the value of the Index of Cognitive Activity (ICA) in measuring human performance to evaluate mission critical systems and to apply the ICA to evaluate and compare the two versions of the GCCS-M.

The ICA is a newly developed, patented measure based on pupil dilation that provides an objective, physiological based measure of cognitive workload. The ICA provides a quantitative assessment of interface design and usability by directly measuring the mental effort of the user engaged with it. Such assessment determines whether system redesigns increase, maintain, or reduce the mental workload of the user as desired.

Results of the study supported the effectiveness of the ICA in measuring mental effort in real time in naval operational settings. Further, results of the ICA analysis indicated that the redesigned GCCS-M maintained optimal levels of cognitive workload.

“EyeTracking’s technology and test environment provided unique insight into our product’s usability and functionality”, said Corey Bickmore, Department Manager in Defense Mission Systems at Northrop Grumman Corporation, “and it validated the positive impact of the GUI improvements to our latest software redesign. The metrics provided in the final report allowed us to demonstrate the effectiveness of the product to our client. The scientific test results confirmed our heuristic field experience and will ensure widespread product acceptance across our customer base.”

For more information about the case study, please visit the newly redesigned and recently launched website at and go to Mission Critical Solutions.

EyeTracking, Inc. is a San Diego based research company that delivers high quality eye-tracking services for commercial, government and military applications. Using patented methodologies, ETI integrates point-of-gaze metrics with new pupil-derived estimates of mental effort to tell you where people look, what holds their attention, and the level of cognitive processing that occurs. Whether your organization needs assistance evaluating new software, comparing designs, or studying complex human computer interaction with critical systems, EyeTracking, Inc. is committed to meeting your needs. At EyeTracking Inc. we embrace new challenges, and strive to exceed the expectations of every client. For more information, please visit

Northrop Grumman’s principal activity is to manufacture and sell innovative products, services and solutions in defense and commercial electronics. It operates in the electronic systems, information technology, integrated systems, missions systems, and space technology sectors.

CCAT – supported by Congress and funded by the Department of Defense – is a public-private collaborative partnership between academia, industry, and government. Partners include San Diego State University (SDSU) Foundation and Entrepreneurial Management Center, the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Jacobs School of Engineering and UCSD CONNECT, and ORINCON Technologies, Inc. with support from the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego. The consortium-style CCAT intends to bridge the gap that exists between the generators of technology, the Department of Defense and the commercial marketplace. For more information about CCAT, visit

Sandra Marshall gives joint keynote address for UIST and ICMI

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Sandra Marshall, CEO of EyeTracking, Inc., gives a joint key note address to both the Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) and the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI-PUI’03) held Nov. 3-7th 2003 in Vancouver B.C., Canada.